Product Manager vs. Marketing Manager
Most people may assume that product management and marketing
management are the same, right? There is not a different person handling each,
is there? Well that depends, smaller companies may need to use a well-rounded
professional that could manage both. However, product mangers and marketing
managers should work together but typically they are separate people and for
good reason. Let’s review the essentials of Product Management.
“Product management is
the entrepreneurial management of a piece of business (product, product line,
service, brand, segment, etc.) as a “virtual” company, with a goal of long-term
customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. “(Product Manager's Field Guide. McGraw-Hill Create p. 6).
Now that we understand what product management means, we can
assess the five assets of product management and how that differs from the
essentials of marketing management. The five assets include drive business
results, ensuring market-driven direction, deliver results through people, and
guide product fit and function. Product managers (PM) are usually experienced
in the field of the particular product. They understand the market based on
their experience with the product. PMs identify the problems, communicate the
information, analyze risks, and think five steps ahead of the market.
Marketing managers will focus on the 4 P’s of the marketing
mix, place, promotion, price and product. They promote the product, the brand
and the company but those things are not market-driven. Listening to what the
customer needs and then adjusting the products to meet those needs is more
market focused. Marketing departments often adopt sales terms and it is easy to
get the two confused, i.e. leads, campaigns, etc.
Product Manager's Field Guide. McGraw-Hill Create
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